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Things you should do after taking your Hera Remy Human Hair Lace Front Wig out of the box by @theartofalopecia

Things you should do after taking your Hera Remy Human Hair Lace Front Wig out of the box by @theartofalopecia

Dimples Hair Team
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@theartofalopecia Full review coming soon on my YouTube💓 I simply adore @dimpleshair Now until December 26th 2022, use my code “MARCYGALLANT” to save 15% off your order, don’t miss out! #wigs #wigstyling #unboxing #newhair #fyp #brunette #humanhair ♬ Deep house fashion - TimTaj
Even though Dimples human hair Hera wigs come unstyled, we guarantee they will still be your favorite in your wig collection. With little to no maintenance, get all glammed up in less than 15 minutes with these human hair wig-styling tips!

Things You Need: 
  • Hair Clip 
  • Comb 
  • Hairbrush 
  • Air Brush or Blow dryer 
  • Water (Spray Bottle) 
  • Hot tool of choice 

Wig Parting

  • Comb all your hair back away from your face with a hairbrush.
  • Comb and separate your hair where you want your parting to be. Use the pointy end of the comb to tidy up and move the strands of hair in the right direction. This will result in a nice, clean parting.

  • Dampen the hair parting, and repeat the last step to ensure all the hair is in the direction you want. 

  • Use your airbrush or blow dryer to dry the damp parting. This also sets the parting in place.

Added Volume

Just a tiny bit of volume makes all the difference! 

  • Spray some water on the hairline and use your airbrush or blow dryer to create natural depth with some healthy and bouncy volume.

Hair Heating tools 

Wig wearers try to avoid using them as much as possible. But not with Dimples Hera human hair wigs! 

There you have it! It's that simple. The Dimples Hera wig is one of the most versatile wigs that you can use every day without having to deal with all the headaches that come with maintaining and styling your wig. 

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